Hi everybody,
my firt post is dedicated to my favorite painter. His method is very special.
Let me present you. He was born in 1974 in Sète (south of France) so he is young artist. His paints traveled a lot, like in the United States, in Germany or in Spain. His work is between figural and abstract art. A subtle mixture of burned plastic, oil and acrylic or pigments translated the success of his researches on the material which fascinates him for a long time. His paintings are realized on plastic covers burned in the blowtorch then stuck on canvas (often big sizes 80x100 cm), then painted with lacquers glycero or acrylic.
You can go on his website and discovered the agenda of his exhibitions. Click here.
You can also discover his fan page on Facebook here.
If you want to have more informations, ask me !
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